Use the following in a Linux Terminal
The syntax to use SSH is very simple. We only need to provide two things:
- The IP address of the remote machine
- Correct credentials to a valid account to login with on the remote machine
| ssh username@MACHINE_IP
Command | Description | Syntax |
whoami | Confirm Current User | whoami |
su | Switch Current User | su username |
Directory Navigation
Command | Description | Syntax |
cd | Change directory to named directory | cd /dir1/dir2 |
cd .. | Go up a directory | cd .. |
cd / | Go to home directory | cd / |
cd /var/log | Access system logs | cd /var/log |
find | Search for files and directories in a specified location or directory hierarchy | Below |
find - Search for files and directories in a specified location or directory hierarchy
| find -name filename.txt
Directory Contents
Command | Description | Syntax |
pwd | Print the current working directory | pwd |
ls | List files and directories in the current directory | ls |
ls –help | List the possible options that the command accepts | ls –help |
man ls | Provide the manual for ls | man ls |
ls -a | List all files and directories, including hidden ones | ls -a |
ls -lh | List files and directories in long format with readable file sizes | ls -lh |
clear | clear all terminal text | clear |
cat | Display the contents of a file | cat filename |
grep | Search for a pattern in a file | Below |
grep - Search for a pattern in a file
| grep "String to lookup" filename.extension
Directory Commands
Command | Description | Syntax |
touch | Create file | touch filename |
mkdir | Create a folder | mkdir directoryname |
cp | Copy a file or folder | cp filename filename2 |
mv | Move a file or folder | mv filename2 filename3 |
rm | remove | rm filename |
file | Determine the type of a file | file filename |
Command | Description | Syntax |
ls -lh | List files with permissions | ls -lh |
Learn more about Linux permissions.
Terminal Text Editors
Command | Description | Syntax |
nano | create (new filename) or edit (filename) a file using nano | nano filename |
VIM | create (new filename) or edit (filename) a file using VIM | VIM filename |
Viewing Processes
Command | Description | Syntax |
ps | Provide a list of the running processes as our user’s session | ps |
ps aux | See system processes and other user tasks | ps aux |
top | Real-time statistics system processes | ps aux |
kill | Kill a command with associated PID | kill 0123 |