Home Nmap Basics

Nmap Basics

Nmap Overview

Nmap employs various techniques to scan and gather information about network hosts, such as IP addresses, open ports, running services, operating systems, and other related details. It operates by sending specially crafted packets to target hosts and analyzing the responses received.

Here are some key features:

  • Port scanning: Nmap can scan a range of ports on a target system to determine which ports are open, closed, or filtered. This information helps in assessing the security posture of a network and identifying potential vulnerabilities.

  • Host discovery: Nmap can determine which hosts are active on a network by using techniques like ICMP ping, TCP/IP handshake, ARP requests, and others. It helps in creating a comprehensive network map and identifying live systems.

  • OS detection: Nmap can analyze the responses received from a target system to infer the operating system running on it. This information is valuable for security assessments and network inventory management.

  • Service and version detection: Nmap can determine the services and their versions running on open ports. This allows administrators to identify outdated or vulnerable services and take appropriate actions to secure the network.


Every computer has a total of 65,535 available ports; however, many of these are registered as standard ports.

The well-known ports range from 0 to 1023 and are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for specific services.

Port (TCP/IP)ProtocolInfo
Port 20/21FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 
Port 22SSH (Secure Shell) 
Port 23Telnet 
Port 25SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 
Port 53DNS (Domain Name System) 
Port 80HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 
Port 110POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) 
Port 143IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) 
Port 443HTTPS (HTTP Secure) 
Port 3389RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) 


man namp

Scanning Syntax

Basic Syntax

nmap scantype options target

nmap and target are required. scantype and options are optional.

Not specifying a scantype will perform a default scan known as a “vanilla” or SYN scan.

Scan Type

When port scanning with Nmap, there are four basic scan types.

-sTTCP Connect ScansScan TCP Ports
-sSSYN “Half-open” ScansStealth Scan TCP Ports
-sUUDP ScansScan UDP Ports
-snICMP Network ScanMaps the Network


nmap -sT

More on UDP Scanning

Due to this difficulty in identifying whether a UDP port is actually open, UDP scans tend to be incredibly slow in comparison to the various TCP scans. For this reason it’s usually good practice to run an Nmap scan with –top-ports enabled.

nmap -sU --top-ports 20 <target>

If a UDP port doesn’t respond to an Nmap scan, what will it be marked as open|filtered

More on ICMP Network Scanning (Mapping)

When initially connecting to a target network in a black box assignment, our primary objective is to create a network map or diagram that outlines the network’s structure. This entails identifying IP addresses that correspond to active hosts and distinguishing them from inactive ones.

One way to do this is by using Nmap to perform a so called “ping sweep”.

This is done with -sn and the IP address range.

IP ranges which can be specified with either a hypen (-) or CIDR notation

nmap -sn
nmap -sn


Capitalization matters in the Nmap scan syntax.

-OOperating System ScanEnable operating system detection
-pSpecify ports or port ranges to scanex: -p 1-100
-p-Scan all ports 
-AEnable aggressive scan optionsA very loud scan
-vIncrease verbosity level for more detailed outputGives more details
-vvIncrease verbosity level to level twoGives even more details
-scriptActivate a scriptFrom the nmap scripting library

Scans can be combined

nmap -sT -p 1-100 -O -vv

Exporting Results

Nmap provides various options for exporting scan results to different formats, allowing you to analyze and share the output data more effectively. Here are some methods for exporting scan results.

-oNNormal OutputSave the scan results in a human-readable format
-oGGrepable OutputExport the scan results in a greppable format
-oXXML OutputSave the scan results in XML format

Export syntax can be combined with scantype and option syntax

  • Normal Output (-oN): Using the -oN option followed by a filename, you can save the scan results in a human-readable format.
    nmap -oN scan_results.txt <target>
  • Grepable Output (-oG): The -oG option allows you to export the scan results in a greppable format. This format is suitable for parsing and further processing with tools like grep.
    nmap -oG scan_results.gnmap <target>
  • XML Output (-oX): The -oX option enables you to save the scan results in XML format, which is widely supported and can be easily parsed by various tools.
    nmap -oX scan_results.xml <target>
  • Combined Example
    nmap -sT -p 8012 -oN scanresults.txt
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